Home / Production / Product Catalog / BIOPLA Dietary Supplement
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NUTRIENT: BIOPLA ® Dietary Supplement
Pharmaceutical form: Capsules.
Presentation: Bottle of 40 capsules.
Indications: BIOPLA is recommended for adults of both sexes. Protein-mineral concentrate extracted from the human placenta. Ideal for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis, complicated bone fractures, anemia of any origin, intestinal malabsorption syndrome; retarded uterine growth, post-operative recoveries, burns and dental and parasitic conditions. Stimulating wound healing, hair growth and skin tone. Recommended for jobs and sports that require great physical effort.
Pharmacological action: Special diet food. Protein-mineral concentrate extracted from the human placenta / Special diet food. Protein-mineral concentrate extracted from the human placenta.
Composition: Each 500 mg capsule contains: digestible protein 369.50 mg, phosphorus 53.50 mg, calcium 31.10mg, fat 13.00mg, iron 643.00 mcg, zinc 262.50mcg, copper 30.75mcg, vitamin B2 1.25mcg; amino acids such as glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine, arginine, alanine, histidine; essential amino acids: methionine, leucine, lysine, valine, serine, phenylalanine, threonine, tyrosine.
Dosage: Ingest 1 capsule 2 times a day with water or fruit juice after meals / Ingest 1 capsule 2 times a day with water or fruit juice after meals.
Contraindications: Not reported.
Interactions: Not reported.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children.
Adverse Reactions: No inconvenient side effects, local or systemic.
Type of use: Oral use.
Storage: Keep in a cool place. Protect yourself from light.
Expiration: 5 years.
The BIOPLA Dietary Supplement has been used successfully in patients convalescing from COVID-19, studies carried out and published support these results.
See publication.
1414, 43 th st, Miramar. Playa. Havana. Cuba.
Phone: (537) 72152198
E-mail: hisplacen@miyares-cao.cu
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Placental Histotherapy Center “Dr. Carlos Manuel Miyares Cao”.
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