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Vitiligo is an acquired, non-communicable hypomelanosis, in which genetic, autoimmune and neurogenic factors are involved.
It is clinically manifested by the progressive appearance of achromic macules on the face, limbs and genital region, it has great aesthetic repercussions and produces a notable affectation of self-esteem for people who suffer from it.
A cosmopolitan disease, vitiligo affects 1% of the world’s population and people of any skin colour, age, sex and geographical latitude and can appear at any time between the neonatal period and old age.
The Placental Histotherapy Center “Dr. Carlos Manuel Miyares Cao” offers a therapeutic alternative with the product MELAGENINA PLUS, which has become the medicine of choice for vitiligo, it enhances the intensity and duration of the stimulating effect of skin pigmentation. With an effectiveness of 86%, it is applied once a day and does not require solar or infrared radiation.

- High efficiency
- Natural origin
- Pharmaceutical form: topical use – lotion
- Hospital admission is not required
- Product suitable for use in children and adults of both sexes, including the elderly and pregnant women
- Miyares CM, Hollands I, Miyares E; Pernas A. Efectividad de un extracto de placenta humana con Calcio (Melagenina Plus) en el tratamiento del Vitiligo= Effectiveness of a Human Placental Extract with Calcium (Melagenina Plus) for the treatment of Vitiligo. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas. [online]. 2009 jul.-sep.; 28(3). Disponible en: http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/ibi/vol28_3_09/ibi02309.htm Cuba
- Pernas González A. Factores pronósticos en el vitíligo. Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas. 2014; 33(3). Disponible en: http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/ibi/vol33_3_14/ibi04314.htm ISSN 1561-3011 versión electrónica. Cuba (Indizada en Scielo y en Scopus SJR (0,111))
- Zúñiga-Rosales Y, González-Herrera Yadira, Miyares-Díaz E, Rodríguez-Pelier CV. Vitiligo: Hipótesis autoinmune. Rev Biomed 2014; 25:145-155. Disponible en: http://www.revbiomed.uady.mx/pdf/rb142535.pdf ISSN 2007-8447. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México
- Vega-Almeida RL, Arencibia-Jorge R. Research fronts on Vitiligo, a Scopus-based bibliometric view. ACIMED [online]. 2013; 24(4). Disponible en: http://www.rcics.sld.cu/index.php/acimed/article/view/475/343 ISSN 1024-9435 (Cuba, Indizada en Scopus. Scimago Journal and Country Rank 2011: 0.026).
- Lago G, Miyares CM, Caraballo I, González Y, Lauzán E, Riccardi Y. ESTRÉS: Determinación de epinefrina y L-Dopa en pacientes de vitiligo psoriasis y alopecia tratados con el programa antiestrés. CECIF. [online] 2011; (16): 51-59. ISSN 2011-172X Colombia Disponible en: http://cecifcolombia.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/MAGAZINE-CECIF-16.pdf

1414, 43 th st, Miramar. Playa. Havana. Cuba.
Phone: (537) 72152198
E-mail: hisplacen@miyares-cao.cu
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